A Minnesota Voice


The general statement

We stand in opposition to the actions taken at the recent global gathering of The United Methodist Church to tighten restrictions on the ordination of LGBTQIA+ clergy and to maintain prohibitions on clergy who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. We grieve this decision and the pain it causes our siblings throughout the world. Too often, our silence has done harm…

The clergy statement

As clergy in the Minnesota Annual Conference we give thanks for the leadership you provide for our Conference and the Council of Bishops, especially in the last three years. We believe you led with your whole heart an effort to bring forth a better way of being United Methodists and we look to you to lead boldly in the days to come.

We share your lament and deep sorrow for the harm caused to our LGBTQIA+ siblings by the recent actions taken at the 2019 General Conference…

First, do no HArm

A toolkit for conversations.